There are several ways to pay for a parking
ticket issued by the Town of Barnstable.
PAY BY MAIL: BARNSTABLE PARKING CLERK, 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 instead of BARNSTABLE PARKING CLERK P.O. BOX 70 Medford, Ma 02155. Also, please update the PAY IN PERSON address to 367 Main Street, not 365 Main Street. Also, please change the phone number on this page to 508-862-4673 instead of 774-251-9164.
PAY IN PERSON: Tickets may be paid by check, cash, bank check or money order at
the Town Office Building at 365 Main Street, Hyannis, Ma (8:30 - 4:30 M-F)
PAY BY PHONE - 774-251-9164